LGBT History Cornwall UK
Sprocket Trust Archive est.1995
"One Queer Gay Life"
Over 25yrs of Gay Equality Campaigning
This website is included in the National Community Archive. License has been granted for inclusion in the British Library UK Web Archive. The website has been made recommended reading by staff member to University students studying LGBT Queer Studies
NB: 2016 :This website in its entirety accepted & acknowledged by the UK Statutory Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse
as CSA victim witness testimony submitted by Malcolm Lidbury against organisations & authorities primarily in Devon & Cornwall
(ie homophobic police & Intercom Trust) which collaborated in ignoring & covering up Child Sexual Abuse
(& further perpetuating homophobic abuse & hate crimes by authorities & organisations).
"When the highly respected LGBT historian Rictor Norton tweeted that website was very interesting
...we categorically knew we were getting it right".
1991- Independent Cornish Triangle
LGBT newsletter for Cornwall
1991: Beginning of Independent Cornish Triangle LGBT newsletter for Cornwall.
Concerned at a lack of information for LGBT persons in Cornwall Malcolm Lidbury founded, published, & edited the ‘Independent Cornish Triangle’ with the help of a small team of volunteer contributors 1992-1995. The Cornish gay newsletter was initially funded from Lidbury's dole money.
NB: The ICT could not have had the impact that it did without the significant additional input of Ray (Graphic designer), Martin (GOC & LGBT Christians), Sue (Women's editor), Joe (Women's Acorn group), Jenni (Cornwall AIDS Council & GU Clinic), & occassional input from others in the Cornwall LGBT community.
Originally just as a leaflet, by 1995 the ICT local LGBT monthly newsletter had become a 20 page monthly publication . Primarily aimed at Cornwall, UK with both male & female readership. It reached over 1,000 reader/subscribers.
1993 following a spate of murders of gay men in London by Colin Ireland Lidbury approached Devon & Cornwall police to attempt liaise with the LGBT community via the ICT newsletter. A meeting held between Lidbury & a police inspector & another police officer at Camborne police station. Lidbury was told in no uncertain terms police did not liaise or co-operate with gay male perverts that had sex in public toilets. Lidbury as a gay man, had chosen when he came ‘out’ in 1989 not to ‘cottage’
Lidbury knew many gay/bisexual men who also chose not to ‘cottage’, but equally he knew other gay/bi friends who did & the reasons they gave why. This coupled with the fact that readership subscription of the LGBT ICT newsletter was 41% women, the meeting with the homophobic Devon & Cornwall police to liaise with the Cornwall LGBT community over gay murders went nowhere.
Nov 1995 horrific murder & attack upon gay men in Plymouth. Although police in Plymouth appeared to work with local LGBT population in Plymouth regarding the murder of Terrence Sweet & assault on another, it was a very different story just over the Tamar into Cornwall.
Lidbury had again contacted Devon & Cornwall police to liaise with the Cornwall LGBT community via the ICT newsletter regarding the Plymouth Park murder & assault, as many LGBT persons from Cornwall travelled to the Plymouth gay scene. Police stated they were NOT interested in collaborating with gay people in Cornwall.
NB: At request & referral from City Hospital GU Clinic Lidbury officiated & conducted a number of gay men’s funerals, primarily those who had died as a result of HIV/AIDS.
Sept 95 West Briton Article '24 Men die of AIDS in Cornwall'
However one funeral Lidbury conducted was for a gay man from St. Column in Cornwall, who had died following a serious homophobic assault. Police handling of the murder/manslaughter/assault was abysmal according to ‘Nigel’, the deceased gay man’s surviving partner.
The ICT was one of the few LGBT publications produced in the 1990’s in the UK run outside of London or a major city. Jan 1994 Western Morning News item :- The ICT became a focal point for local campaigning on gay equality issues.
Photo: Lidbury & Michael Cashman Chair of Stonewall promoting ICT at London PRIDE 1993:-
Feb 94: Front Cover ICT LGBT newsletter
Mch 94: Front Cover ICT LGBT newsletter
Apr 94: Front Cover ICT LGBT newsletter
May 1994: Continuum Magazine & Pink Paper article by Lidbury on Gay Cornwall
May 94: Front Cover ICT LGBT newsletter
Next go to Cornwall Gay Club - Chimney Stax – Rainbow Club, Portreath